
An extra virgin olive oil of guaranteed quality

Why choose products from organic farming?

Because they are grown without the use of synthetic chemicals and GMOs (GMO free).

Because they nullify or reduce to the minimum any form of pollution of the agro-ecosystem and water resources.

Because they help to preserve the fertility of the soil in the long term through the use of organic fertilizers, in order to return the nutrients to the earth.

Because they allow you to manipulate agricultural products with particular attention to processing methods, in order to maintain the biological integrity and essential qualities of the product in all the various phases. The Ranieri Company is accredited by the third certification body, Suolo e Salute, which periodically carries out checks on organic farming, carried out by the company in the production of extra virgin olive oil.

Panel Test Prim'olio Certificazione


Panel Test - Professional Tasting Committee of Virgin Olive Oils recognized by MIPAAF DD 4302/2012

Certificazione EVO

Silver Medal 2019

The EVO International Olive Oil Contest® promotes and enhances the extra virgin olive oil sector of the highest quality and that of condiments based on EVO oil, allowing access to the competition only to producers able to guarantee traceability and origin of the products presented.

Certificazione Haccp Iso 22000:2005, BRD FOOD AA, IFS FOOD

New certifications in progress

In order to always guarantee all the working processes and product quality, we have activated the procedures to obtain new certifications to protect our product.